Pagan reactions after Scottish Parliament hears first Pagan address
We share reactions about Rev. Haggerstone landmark address to the Scottish Parliament.
The Wild Hunt (
We share reactions about Rev. Haggerstone landmark address to the Scottish Parliament.
A politician seeking election in upstate New York outs members of the Correllian Tradition and says that only Christians should be teaching children.
As both musician and writer, I’m drawn to Odin as an embodiment of the creative force. As a practitioner of Ásatrú, I can’t support companies that steal the work of human artists to generate disposable dross.
Two bills in Florida would permit chaplains and “patriotic organizations” to offer services and distribute material in public schools without review. Similar bills have been introduced in other states and some have already passed into law.
A man in Houston Texas allegedly shot two family members who, reports say, he thought were using witchcraft to place a curse on him.