We stand as a nation with all the tools needed spread before us, yet we are paralyzed through emotional attachment to the past, to revenge, and to a definition of “justice” rather than a desire to embrace the principle of Justice.
¿Existe un lugar para la IA generativa en la creación de hechizos y rituales?
La inteligencia artificial no tiene una relación personal e íntima con los elementos que la rodean/nos rodean. No tiene una conexión con lo Divino. Esta es la razón que a la debemos evitar.
Is there a place for generative AI in creating spells and rituals?
AI doesn’t have a personal, intimate relationship to the elements around it/us. It doesn’t have a connection to the Divine.
Editorial: Gaiman’s abuse survivors demand we see the truth
As one of Pagans’ most beloved authors faces accusations of sexual abuse, the focus must remain on the real people harmed. We must prioritize the humanity of survivors above our affection for art, stories, or even spiritual frameworks. Where do we, as a community, go from here?
Editorial: Attacks on pornography are attacks on free speech – and Paganism
TWH’s editor-in-chief, Manny Tejeda y Moreno, examines a set of new laws in states like Florida and Texas that purport to protect children from the dangers of pornography, but in reality are new fronts in Christian Dominionism’s war on freedom of expression.
“What if,” I say idly, “I started celebrating Christmas again, but in an Arthurian sort of way?” “Camelot is the Christian wart on the face of pagan England,” my husband grumps.