Looking back at the best Heathen reads of 2024

Lyonel Perabo looks back at four works of interest to Heathens from last year, including The Fool’s Mirror from Troll Cat Press; The Elder Futhark from Hyldyr; the first volume of the International Journal for Heathen Research; and Sif Brookes’s Valkyrjur, Servant or Master?.

The Offer Stone

This is the first time I cross path with what Finns call a hiidenkivi (“cult stone”) and the Swedes a jättekast (“giant’s throw”), and for a little while longer my mind meanders, thinking about the ancient stories that were more than likely told about this place in ages past.

Bright Forest Longing

The woods around my home in Arctic Norway were few and far between, mostly small birches barely taller than your average adult. Here in Åland, I met with real woods: tall bone-white birches, spruce, thick pines, bushy walnut groves. This vibrant life was everywhere, and all the while I was searching for graves.

Putting Down Roots, Digging a Grave, Saying Goodbye

One day this August I picked up my phone and called Jens-Roger. “You know I told you the other week that I and my family were moving out?” “Yes, I remember.” “Well, I was thinking that before we leave for good, we should bury our daughter’s placenta. And we all really enjoy your place. Could we find a spot somewhere there?”

Of Sacred Hymns and Profane Revelry: Midgardsblot 2024

The Midgardsblot festival, taking place each August in Borre, just south of Oslo, Norway, has slowly but surely become ubiquitous among Viking nerds, Norse Pagans, and metalheads alike. With its unique blend of extreme Metal and nordic folk acts (among others), alongside numerous artistic and academic entertainment acts, it was only a matter of time that I checked it out for myself.