Coven or cult? How to tell if your group has crossed the line into dangerous territory

Almost immediately the charges of “Oathbreaker” began to surface, for I had dared to speak out against a beloved elder. Now I was fair game for attack, verbally and magically. This was the beginning of what would later morph into targeted harassment. In the midst of this, my husband mentioned the situation to a mundane co-worker who replied, “Dude, you’re in a cult!”

Opinion: Rise, Resist, Bewitch

With the state of the world the way it is today, there’s no time like the present to fully commit to a demonic contract, aimed at dismantling the global empirical systems of capitalism and oppression. It’s time to get radical.

Self-Care in the Face of an Uncertain Future

“It’s hard to feel hopeful in the face of so much violence and gaslighting,” writes Storm Faerywolf. “That is why it is important to periodically disconnect from the noise and reconnect with our inner natures. To “touch grass,” as the often-snarky internet memes suggest. Toward this end, let us apply our magic.”