Editorial: “The stare that petrifies injustice”

Last week, Amy Hardy-McAdams invoked Medusa as a champion for the oppressed during a prayer at the Tulsa Oklahoma City Council meeting. It didn’t take long for the state’s Republican governor to attack her for it. What does this incident say for the future of Paganism in public life?

Opinion: To Honor the Ancestors

Like a “Sunday Catholic” who is extremely devout on Sunday mornings but lives a decidedly un-Christian life for the rest of the week, we can all too easily make grand speeches over the drinking horn at blót but neglect to put intention into action when we step out into the wider world. Are we honoring the ancestors in our lives? Or are we dishonoring them?

Self-Care in the Face of an Uncertain Future

“It’s hard to feel hopeful in the face of so much violence and gaslighting,” writes Storm Faerywolf. “That is why it is important to periodically disconnect from the noise and reconnect with our inner natures. To “touch grass,” as the often-snarky internet memes suggest. Toward this end, let us apply our magic.”

Dispatch from Eleusis: A Witch Hunt

While offering a tarot reading at Eleusis, our correspondent Elyse Welles was confronted by officials, reinforcing the ongoing tension between ancient traditions, modern authority, and Christian beliefs.