Opinion: Curing the Infection

As I squirmed in the endodontist’s chair, trying to distract myself from the pressure and vibration of the metal tools – and the large needle – I realized that our nation, like my infected tooth, also needs a root canal.

Balance and Harvest

September exhales the last gasp of summer in the northern hemisphere while providing balance and a harvest of memories. This is the perfect month to reflect on what is around us, and what needs to be swept away.

Opinion: The Responsibility of Sacrifice

To sacrifice takes courage. In our ethics, to put others or our values above the desires of the individual means to appeal to the better parts of our nature.  How often do we teach our children or say to each other that we should “do the right thing”?  How often do we applaud words or deeds that demonstrate this higher form of sacrifice precisely because it is so difficult for many people and it is not what most might do if we were in that same position.

Opinion: The Supreme Court is banning the “I”

How many speak, work, argue, and have the courage to live fully here because of the promises given in the Constitution? The answer is many. However, we forget that for all of that freedom there is a grim reality: what has been taken for granted can be so easily taken away. The erosion of our freedoms has begun.

Gratitude to My Father from the Road in India

Although my trip companions think that the driving in Delhi, Dharamsala, and Agra is horrible, and that I’m crazy for even considering driving here, my heart salivates over the opportunity. I think of you and wonder whether you’d be up to renting scooters in Dharamsala or Delhi and taking a turn or two.