Arts & Culture
Abracadabra, the Lady (Gaga) in Red Said
Let’s get something straight: Lady Gaga is our Lord and Savior, and I will not hear otherwise. She comes back, resurrected like the phoenix when we need a beacon of hope.
The Wild Hunt (
Let’s get something straight: Lady Gaga is our Lord and Savior, and I will not hear otherwise. She comes back, resurrected like the phoenix when we need a beacon of hope.
Alan U. Dalul reviews Kenneth Johnson’s history of Traditional Witchcraft and the tradition’s founder, Robert Cochrane, whose vision of Witchcraft diverged, but also complemented, that of his contemporary Gerald Gardner.
La inteligencia artificial no tiene una relación personal e íntima con los elementos que la rodean/nos rodean. No tiene una conexión con lo Divino. Esta es la razón que a la debemos evitar.
AI doesn’t have a personal, intimate relationship to the elements around it/us. It doesn’t have a connection to the Divine.
Alan U. Dalul reviews Nathan King’s “Awakening the Witchblood: Embodying the Arte Magical,” a challenging but rewarding introductory book of Witchcraft.