The Heathenry Preservation Society

Sometimes, the Mead of Poetry works indirectly. An old rock ‘n’ roll song is stuck on repeat in my head, spinning unceasingly between my ears. Actually, it’s not even an entire song. It’s just a verse or a chorus or sometimes only a line or two. Someone else’s creative creation gets lodged in there, doing work on my mind that only I can hear.

Recipes to celebrate the Sun: strawberries, milk, and walnuts

There’s something about the solstices that seems to connect with a deep, fundamental part of the human psyche. The solstice is a moment where the world seems to hold its breath, the sun hung motionless overhead or hidden below the horizon, before it dives across the threshold of one side of the year to the other: light to dark and dark to light.

Two of Cups

There are a dozen more like this, fractured moments when I realized that other people thought about themselves in a way I didn’t. They noticed things that happened to their bodies and, more terribly, could explain why their emotions were reacting in certain ways or how they had changed over time. I was young when I realized that there was an entire set of internal data that, by circumstance or nature, I struggled to notice and could not fathom how to read. 

Gratitude to My Father from the Road in India

Although my trip companions think that the driving in Delhi, Dharamsala, and Agra is horrible, and that I’m crazy for even considering driving here, my heart salivates over the opportunity. I think of you and wonder whether you’d be up to renting scooters in Dharamsala or Delhi and taking a turn or two.