Death and the traditions of the Day of the Dead in Italy

David Marrè shares his experience with Italian traditions during he days of the dead: “In our peninsula, the celebration of the days dedicated to the dead has given rise to many different customs. Modern Paganism is one of the ways of their integration and rediscovery in contemporary times.”

La morte e le tradizioni del Giorno dei Morti in Italia

David Marrè racconta la sua esperienza con le tradizioni italiane durante i giorni dei morti:: Molte usanze diverse hanno avuto luogo nella nostra penisola per la celebrazione dei giorni dedicati ai defunti. Il moderno paganesimo è uno dei modi per integrarle e riscoprirle nella contemporaneità.

The First Modern Temple of Zeus in Cyprus

In Cyprus, George Constantinou, a priest of the Hellenic Ethnic Religion at the Supreme Council of Ethnic Hellenes, revived ancient traditions by constructing the world’s first licensed modern temple dedicated to Olympian Zeus, overcoming significant challenges.

Building a Daily Pagan Practice with ADHD

Halo Quin returns with new insights into making daily practice work for Pagans with ADHD. “Just as I can use a walking cane to go further than my dodgy joints allow unsupported, I can also use techniques to support myself in managing my ADHD brain. And so I’ve built a daily(ish) practice which supports me, strengthens my skills, and works with my brain instead of against it!”