Classics of Pagan Cinema: Orphée

“The poet wrings a forever from Death, the only lover he will ever have who can really promise him that.” Meg Elison reviews Jean Cocteau’s 1950 classic ORPHEUS as part of our Classics of Pagan Cinema series.

Review: The Little Red Wolf

The Little Red Wolf is a story that reminds me of this: that stories change, that people change, and while we need to respect and keep our traditions and culture alive, it doesn’t mean they can be an excuse for harm or put others in danger.

Ásatrú and Hinduism: Art and Practice

Here is the lesson. Without positive action, comparative mythology is (at best) a dry academic amusement and (at worst) an exercise in colonialist cultural appropriation. Rather than taking from Hinduism and calling it Heathenry, I suggest that we learn from a closely related tradition that has much to teach us.