“Stealing from others:” The continuing plagiarism of Pagan books
The issues of plagiarism continue to impact authors and publishers alike and are compounded by so many books being available in digital format.
The Wild Hunt (
The issues of plagiarism continue to impact authors and publishers alike and are compounded by so many books being available in digital format.
“I have wondered for a long time what makes a tarot deck “click” for someone. My first deck, a pocket-sized Rider-Waite-Smith that my partner took exactly one look at before it fell to me, was entirely opaque when I first picked it up. I didn’t know the symbols they featured or how they were used, and only the small folded paper included in the box offered any insight. I worried over it, put it down, came back to scour the nine-word summaries of each card and try again. I attempted a Celtic cross based on the inch-high diagram, a feat which has meant that my standard spread is just slightly misaligned from everyone else’s I’ve ever met. “
Storm Faerywolf showcases the Divine Diversity 2 tarot deck from Joe Phillips, which features representation of a wide variety of ethnicities, sexualities, cultures, and body types.
Alan D.D. reviews the new Disney Villains Tarot Deck and Guidebook, written by Minerva Siegel and illustrated by Ellie Goldwine, from Insight Editions.
Alan D.D. reviews the new Disney Villains Tarot Deck and Guidebook, written by Minerva Siegel and illustrated by Ellie Goldwine, from Insight Editions.