Winter’s Work
“The key is yours, Sheri Ann. A gift of understanding, perhaps.” My child-self showed up at that moment and answered, “Only my ancestors call me that.” “I know,” she answered.
The Wild Hunt (
“The key is yours, Sheri Ann. A gift of understanding, perhaps.” My child-self showed up at that moment and answered, “Only my ancestors call me that.” “I know,” she answered.
Over the years I have come to understand that the informal work is equal in importance to the formal, as it grants us the opportunity to expand the “reach” of our magical consciousness into our “mundane” lives.
Alan D.D. relates his decision to resume therapy after ten years, and writes about how Witchcraft and therapy can work together, but neither is a substitute for the other.
Alan D.D. reviews Ritual: An Essential Grimoire, by Damien Echols and Lorri Davis.
“In sports, music, and martial arts, the unbinding of the mind as it focuses upon a specific task is paired with a shutting down of other mental faculties. Senses are simply turned off in a subjectively very real way. Linear thinking evaporates as the Odinnic moment expands.
“Rather than mindfulness, this is a process of unmindfulness.”