Unleash the Hounds: Psychology edition
The results of several new research studies published on the effects of meditation and possible benefits
The Wild Hunt (
The results of several new research studies published on the effects of meditation and possible benefits
As the numbers of those experiencing burnout are on the rise, some Pagan practices can offset and reduce the stress.
Sheri Barker shares her experience of self-quarantine – the sensation of becoming a ghost while still living.
TWH sent out its Hounds and they have brought back a variety of stories that reflect the intersection between science, mental health, and spirituality.
There are lots of articles and essays of interest to modern Pagans and Heathens out there, more than our team can write about in depth in any given week. Therefore, the Wild Hunt must unleash the hounds in order to round them all up. Religious freedom in the courts
Colorado school district officials violated the Constitution when they openly supported a Christian mission trip to Guatamala, a court ruled. According to reports, the Douglas County School District produced fliers and information about the trip and sent them home to families, as well as hosting a fund drive for the trip during school hours. As reported by the Denver Post, “The case started in 2014 when a group of students from Highlands Ranch High School’s chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes decided to take a spring break mission trip to Guatemala.”