The Troth removes Diana Paxson from all positions in unanimous decision
The Troth has removed Diana Paxson from all positions including Clergy and Elder as well as revoked her membership status.
The Wild Hunt (
The Troth has removed Diana Paxson from all positions including Clergy and Elder as well as revoked her membership status.
“Nexion is wrath,” the Eddas, and Michael Jordan: The second part of Lyonel Perabo’s conversation with Joshua Rood.
“Even though Ásatrú might not have been quite where I had imagined it, people were actively trying to work toward something. You don’t get temples and songs and chants and beautiful ceremonies and certainly not a deep knowledge system overnight. You need to discover and build these things. And you need a community to do it with.”
We choose how we relate to the deities of our tradition. Our choice is not made for us by ancient poets, modern practitioners, or academic scholars.
I know I’m in a tiny minority, but – as a practitioner of a tiny minority religion – I’m used to caring about things that are way outside the mainstream of our cultural discourse. And I wonder what we practitioners can offer during this cultural moment in which the majority of us are passively experiencing a major paradigm shift, in which most of us are just unquestioningly along for the ride.