Wiccan Pentacle Headstone at Arlington National Cemetery.

Editorial: Honoring the Dead

It’s easy to disregard the dead. They don’t have the ability to move you along if you’re loitering where you aren’t wanted. They have no control their own physical bodies any longer, nor over the space where they are interred. They can’t opt out of your pictures. They can’t tell you no.

Editorial: Failing the Dead

What surprises me most about the reactions to Trump’s use of Arlington for political theater is the silence from religious and spiritual communities. While many individuals have voiced their opinions on social media — some with more nuance, others with a creative mix of four-letter words — there has been little to no response from religious organizations.

Scientist files complaint alleging Trump administration interfered in climate research

Virginia Burkett, a senior scientist with the US Geological Survey, filed a 200 page complaint last week alleging that she was demoted and removed from chairing a multi-agency commission on climate change after she resisted attempts by the Trump administration to downplay the effects of global warming. What happened to her may happen to other federal scientists under the Project 2025 policy proposal.

Opinion: Liberty Enlightening the World

I am often amazed by the way this country’s people have weathered the years since the 2016 election launched us further into the shadowlands of hatred, racism, misogyny, bigotry, and terror. I am equally amazed by how those years have weathered but not beaten us.

Opinion: Twilight of the Boomers

Over the past week, Democrats have giddily celebrated the ascension of Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket. That’s great, but it doesn’t deal with the issue of elderly leaders in this nation of ours. Maybe the tale of Egil Skallagrimsson, the Viking poet who lived to old age, has something to teach us here.