Editorial: Project 2025 dismantles the Great Society and establishes Christian Hegemony

Concern about Project 2025 is widespread; the hype is that it is a playbook for undermining our freedoms and suppressing dissent. For the folks looking ahead to a long editorial and looking for the TL,DR: the hype is not wrong. Project 2025 is a takedown of every advance of civil liberties, worker freedoms, and women’s bodily sovereignty of the last 100 years. But there’s plenty more to digest.

Opinion: The Supreme Court is banning the “I”

How many speak, work, argue, and have the courage to live fully here because of the promises given in the Constitution? The answer is many. However, we forget that for all of that freedom there is a grim reality: what has been taken for granted can be so easily taken away. The erosion of our freedoms has begun.

Ásatrú Theology and Public Protest

In direct contrast to the supposedly universal “golden rule” and the “turn the other cheek” message of Christ, Odin teaches that we have no responsibility to be love our enemies. That particular Heathen teaching is a large part of what leads someone like me to be uncomfortable with some of Martin Luther King’s principles, but it does not mean that the embrace of violence is the answer.”