Opinion: Scales of Justice in a Time of Trauma
“Yet, when the world’s events, like the weather, paint a picture that appears to be without hope, I wonder where or how – or even when – Ma’at’s scales will balance.”
The Wild Hunt (
“Yet, when the world’s events, like the weather, paint a picture that appears to be without hope, I wonder where or how – or even when – Ma’at’s scales will balance.”
Storm Faerywolf examines the concept of passion and its many effects in Witchcraft and Pagan practice.
Storm Faerywolf covers the proliferation of spammers impersonating occultists on Instagram.
A recent genetic study of Viking Age individuals reveals that, far from being “pure Scandinavian,” the Vikings embraced a diverse array of peoples into their culture. Karl Seigfried argues for contemporary Heathens to emulate this diversity in the modern religion.
Karl Seigfried reflects on lessons learned from the scientist David Attenborough about our responsibility to the natural world and to each other.