“Bedknobs and Broomsticks,” a parable for Gardnerian Witches

“Armed only with some dude’s book of nonsense and her own determination and national pride, Eglantine Price could fly. She could conjure. She could make change.” Meg Elison is back with another Classic of Pagan Cinema: Disney’s 1971 musical “Bedknobs and Broomsticks,” a story with surprising resonance for her Wiccan tradition.

Eye Of The Untold Her/Him/Us: A Meditation

I’ve been a fan of Lindsey Stirling for a long, long time. I’ve fallen in love with her music over and over again, and I fell in love deeper than ever before with the first single of her upcoming album, Eye Of The Untold Her. Her video gave me another idea for music Witchcraft – not a ritual, but a spell or meditation I felt emotional about.