Get your blackberries before the Púca does!

Siobhan Ball introduces TWH’s readers to the folklore of the blackberry – including why you need to eat them before the Faerie Folk claim them for their own – and also offers a delicious recipe for a blackberry and apple crumble.

What Baphoboo Taught Me

it’s important to have some fun. Witchcraft is serious, but it is also fun. Witchcraft is and can and should be both. For me, Witchcraft is about freedom, so being restricted to always being serious and logical is exhausting.

Sympathy for “The Devil”

It’s no secret at this point that everyone wants to have sex with the devil. This is such a non-statement that it is, at this point, much harder to find a depiction where the devil is anything less than a caricature of the most erotically charged image available to the imagination of the creator. There’s just one problem: nobody can tell me who the devil is.