Odin and Freyr, War and Peace
We choose how we relate to the deities of our tradition. Our choice is not made for us by ancient poets, modern practitioners, or academic scholars.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/poetry)
We choose how we relate to the deities of our tradition. Our choice is not made for us by ancient poets, modern practitioners, or academic scholars.
What does Ásatrú theology have to tell us about end-of-life issues? How does it help us to understand our experiences as we care for those with growing cognitive issues and as we develop those issues ourselves?
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: The Parliament of the World’s Religions convenes next week with more Pagan presence than ever, and more Deeds, Triumphs, Elevations, Events, and even wooden robots!
Lyonel Perabo reviews Jackson Crawford’s “The Wanderer’s Havamal,” a translation of the Old Norse wisdom poem alongside several additional texts.
Alan D.D. reviews the new book “Endymion or The State of Entropy: A Lyrical Drama” written by Kurt R. Ward and illustrated by Rebecca Yanovskaya. This illustrated fantasy conjures a world in which archetypal characters from Greek mythology battle for dominance, as Endymion, the main character, attempts to wake himself from an endless sleep.