Columna: La Mujer Mula – Cuando la Magia de una Mujer se Despierta
Alan D.D. recuerda una leyenda sobre la importancia del respeto a las madres y rinde homenaje a sus propios antepasados maternos.
The Wild Hunt (
Alan D.D. recuerda una leyenda sobre la importancia del respeto a las madres y rinde homenaje a sus propios antepasados maternos.
Alan D.D. reflects on a legend of the importance of respect for mothers, and pays tribute to his own maternal ancestors.
Sheri Barker writes about the energy of bears, the call of Hecate, and the coming of spring.
Alan D.D. nos describe otra leyenda de Venezuela, la historia de “La Sayona”, la mujer de tela de saco, maldecida para vagar por la tierra castigando a los hombres infieles.
Today is Mother’s Day in the United States. The widely celebrated secular holiday is one that honors mothers, mothers-to-be and any mother figures in our lives. For some, this may include grandmothers, aunts, teachers, guardians, Priestesses and anyone that has taken on that maternal role. Last May, Starhawk wrote:
On this Mother’s Day, let us also remember the many, many types of mothering: stepmothers, wicked and otherwise, adoptive mothers, birthmothers, mothers who have lost their children, mothers of projects, plans, movements and creative ideas, aunties and mentors and advisors, mothers of fluid and changing gender, and of course, that mother who sustains and nurtures us all, our Mother Earth! What will it take to create a world that truly honors mothering, nurturing, caring in all its forms?