Column: Mujer Mula – When a Woman’s Magic Awakens
Alan D.D. reflects on a legend of the importance of respect for mothers, and pays tribute to his own maternal ancestors.
The Wild Hunt (
Alan D.D. reflects on a legend of the importance of respect for mothers, and pays tribute to his own maternal ancestors.
Alan D.D. tells the legend of the Lost Ax-man – a man condemned for not obeying tradition – and relates his own harrowing experience of survival thanks to the intervention of spirits.
Alan D.D. cuenta la leyenda del Hachador Perdido – un hombre condenado por no obedecer la tradición – y recuenta su propia experiencia desgarradora de supervivencia gracias a la intervención de los espíritus.
Alan D.D. explores the Venezuelan legend of Ánima Sola, who teaches the painful lesson of loneliness – and the empowering lesson of independence.
Alan D.D. explora la leyenda venezolana de Ánima Sola, quien enseña la dolorosa lección de la soledad – y la empoderadora lección de la independencia.