Knowing Jack

There are reasons that stories travel from culture to culture, but Jack has always been something of an anomaly in how widespread and yet contiguous his stories are. He may be from Cornwall, Germany, or  North Carolina in a given story, but his character is recognizable and the story is more than likely the same.

Sympathy for “The Devil”

It’s no secret at this point that everyone wants to have sex with the devil. This is such a non-statement that it is, at this point, much harder to find a depiction where the devil is anything less than a caricature of the most erotically charged image available to the imagination of the creator. There’s just one problem: nobody can tell me who the devil is. 

Review: The Little Red Wolf

The Little Red Wolf is a story that reminds me of this: that stories change, that people change, and while we need to respect and keep our traditions and culture alive, it doesn’t mean they can be an excuse for harm or put others in danger.

A Low-Kew Nordic Yule

With just two days to go, I made use of one of my few free days to go downtown and get a few supplies: gift wrapping paper, thick craft rope, glue, and a big burlap bag. I had found out what to do: instead of having someone dressed as Santa delivering gifts, I would have someone don a homemade Yule Goat costume.