Arts & Culture
The Search for Pagan Friendly Kids’ Media
Lyonel Perabo provides a selection of ten favorite children’s stories and entertainments with Pagan themes.
The Wild Hunt (
Lyonel Perabo provides a selection of ten favorite children’s stories and entertainments with Pagan themes.
Alan D.D., TWH’s Venezuela correspondent, writes about finding Pagan items for sale next to manga and metal band T-shirts – and why that’s a good thing for the future of Paganism in Venezuela.
Alan D.D., nuestro correspondiente venezuelano , escribe sobre encontrando artículos paganos en venta al lado de dibujos de manga y camisetas de metal bands, y considera por qué eso es algo bueno para el futuro del paganismo en Venezuela.
KOBE, Japan — Eriko Kawanishi first came to Glastonbury as a graduate student, working on Western paganism for her thesis. Impressing the locals with her understanding, her courage in coming alone to a small English town on the other side of the planet, and her good humour, Eriko soon became an integral part of the Glastonbury community and has taken her knowledge of the UK Pagan scene back to her home country of Japan. Eriko is a researcher at Kyoto University and will be teaching at Konan Women’s University in Kobe as a part-time lecturer beginning September 2017. She said that Western Paganism isn’t studied widely in Asia, and although Shinto, for instance, shares some common themes with Pagan paths such as Druidry, there is currently little formal exchange between the two. As the work of academics like Eriko expands, however, a more in-depth understanding of the spiritual analogies between the cultures is likely to develop.