El Niño que Vivió (a pesar de “Ella”)
Quería hacer lo correcto y no apoyar a alguien como ella, alguien que no me agrada y con quien ya no me identifico. Y al mismo tiempo, mi niño interior quería divertirse.
¿Qué era lo correcto?
The Wild Hunt (
Quería hacer lo correcto y no apoyar a alguien como ella, alguien que no me agrada y con quien ya no me identifico. Y al mismo tiempo, mi niño interior quería divertirse.
¿Qué era lo correcto?
I wanted to do the right thing and not support someone like her, someone who I couldn’t like and didn’t identify with anymore. And the same time, my inner child wanted to have fun. What was the right thing to do?
Beijing hopes to use the faithful’s adoration of the goddess Mazu to manipulate elections in Taiwan.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott sits down for a wide-ranging interview with Danica Boyce, host of the Fair Folk Podcast. In the first half of the conversation, Boyce discusses seasonal folklore, how Indigenous education influenced her Paganism, and a new vision for how to incorporate traditional knowledge into modern Paganism.
January is a time for blessings, for joy, and for considering and perhaps resetting our ethical stances.