Opinion: The Queer Craft, Old and New

The witch was a figure of both disgust and fear, but, paradoxically, also of sexual desire and temptation. The witch represented that which was forbidden in all its forms. And for that, she was reviled, even as she titillated the minds of the repressed. Very queer, indeed.

The Aliens are Here – or Maybe They’re Elves?

The testimony about UFO activity before a congressional subcommittee signals a change in American culture that is more open to challenging ideas. A recent study by the Pew Research Group found that 65% of Americans now believe that there is intelligent life on other planets and only 12% view UFOs as a security threat. 

Opinion: Gaia is using her safe word. Will we listen?

It is hard to ignore a crying baby. Likewise, while the climate change and global warming deniers still exist, it is hard to ignore repeated environmental issues, such as the impact of widespread smoke from Canadian fires on air quality in the United States.