At least 180 elderly, many of whom were Vodou practitioners, were massacred in Haiti over the weekend because a gang leader believed they were causing his son’s illness.
Indigenous Land
300 year old feathered cloak returned to Brazil’s Tupinambá de Olivença people
A cloak of thousands of scarlet ibis feathers, sacred to the Indigenous Tupinambá people of Brazil, has been in Danish hands since the 1600s. Now it has finally been returned to Brazil in the midst of an ongoing dispute over Indigenous rights in the country.
Indigenous Land
“Water cult” temple may re-write Indigenous history in South America
In Peru’s Virú Valley, the remains of pre-Incan water cult may rewrite human history in the region while also highlighting the critical importance of water for our survival and the urgent need for preservation efforts to protect invaluable cultural heritage.
Indigenous Land
Supernatural figures highlight the spiritual complexity of the Amazon
Archaeologists explored a colossal rock in the Colombian Amazon with 3,200 ochre paintings, revealing ancient mythology and intricate human-nature relationships.
Indigenous Land
Pagan Community Notes: Week of July 18, 2024
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Chaac-Poseidon controversy, “satanic” reproductive rights statue beheaded, Lilith Dorsey announces major project, new Circle Sanctuary conference, and more news and events.
Indigenous Land
Proposed Brazilian Law undermines Indigenous Rights: “the consequence could be their annihilation”
Three years ago, Brazil’s Supreme Court overturned arguments prohibiting Indigenous land claims from before 1988, but a new proposed constitutional amendment threatens these rights by imposing a timeline limit, sparking widespread opposition from Indigenous communities and their advocates.