Middle East
Extreme Drought may have created conditions for Islam to emerge
Research suggests that drought may have been an instigator in the shift to Islam as a religious practice within the Arabian peninsula.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/category/features/undercovering-the-past/page/9)
Research suggests that drought may have been an instigator in the shift to Islam as a religious practice within the Arabian peninsula.
New research challenges previous held consensus on the Philistines, their origin, and the structure and establishment of their culture in the Levant.
A Roman sanctuary temple complex found in the Netherlands contains inscriptions to the Jumones, a plural female divinity.
In our new Pilgrimages series, TWH’s editor-in-chief, Manny Tejeda-Moreno, explores the famous Temple of Diana Nemorensis in Nemi, Italy.
The initial finds of the excavations of the ancient Mitanni Empire city of Zakhiku that was revealed due to the drought in Iraq in 2021.