Columna: El tercer aniversario del Templo de la Diosa en México – una entrevista con Alejandro Reyes-Ortiz

Este mes se cumplen 3 años de que el Templo de la Diosa en México abrió sus puertas como templo permanente en la colonia Roma de la Ciudad de México. Este espacio, fundado por Alejandro Reyes-Ortiz, está dedicado a la exploración y celebración de la divinidad femenina y es parte de la red de templos del Templo de la Diosa de Glastonbury, Somerset, Inglaterra. Alejandro Reyes-Ortiz es arquitecto de interiores, internacionalista y empresario. Ha practicado la cábala, la masonería, la wicca y la druidería. Durante los últimos años se ha dedicado a la práctica del camino de La Diosa y del Motherworld, se formó en Inglaterra como sacerdotisa de Avalon durante más de 5 años bajo la mentoría de Kathy Jones.

Pam Grossman and Waking the Witch

The Wild Hunt’s Jake Leibowitz sits down for a chat with Pam Grossman about her new book that is part cultural analysis and part memoir about Witches and the broader society and her own journey in Witchcraft.

An interview with an Appalachian songsmith

IRONSBURG, Tenn. – Whether he is tending the land on his farm in the mountains of eastern Tennessee or performing his songs at a Pagan gathering, Louis Garou is a man who is truly grateful for all that he has and all that he can do. “Every morning, without fail,” he explained, “when I wake up I thank the Goddess, and whatever wayward god that might care, for all the blessings I have received. And the biggest blessing is living on this land, in these mountains.”


He refers to himself as, “just a witchy, mountain farmer,” and he takes his calling as a steward of the land seriously. “It is a privilege and a responsibility to care for this sacred ground.

Interview with Lucien Greaves

Controversial in Pagan communities as well, The Satanic Temple’s work on religious and personal freedoms has aligned with many Pagan and poytheistic social values. TWH interviews Lucien Greaves about changes at The Satanic Temple and the movie “Hail Satan?”