The Mighty Thor and the Failure of Masculinity
There are plenty of options for pushing back on this culture of weak man-children using anger to puff themselves up. One of them is to turn to myths of mighty Thor.
The Wild Hunt (
A mysterious hill overlooking a fjord in Western Norway has been confirmed as one of the largest burial mounds in the region. Archaeologists also note that the site is deliberately aligned with the solstices, adding a fascinating astronomical dimension to its historical significance.
One day this August I picked up my phone and called Jens-Roger. “You know I told you the other week that I and my family were moving out?” “Yes, I remember.” “Well, I was thinking that before we leave for good, we should bury our daughter’s placenta. And we all really enjoy your place. Could we find a spot somewhere there?”
The Midgardsblot festival, taking place each August in Borre, just south of Oslo, Norway, has slowly but surely become ubiquitous among Viking nerds, Norse Pagans, and metalheads alike. With its unique blend of extreme Metal and nordic folk acts (among others), alongside numerous artistic and academic entertainment acts, it was only a matter of time that I checked it out for myself.
“Nexion is wrath,” the Eddas, and Michael Jordan: The second part of Lyonel Perabo’s conversation with Joshua Rood.