TWH – As we approach the new year, we thought that a 12-month spiritual perspective might provide some helpful guidance for the year ahead. As with the previous years, a different deck was chosen for each month, with one card being selected to provide an overview or basic theme for that month, similar to our Tarot of the Week feature but more broadly applied.
January – The Woven Path Tarot, curated by The Changeling Artist Collective, featuring the artwork of 91 artists, independently published.
Card: Seven of Coins (Artist: Julie Dillon)
The first month of 2025 is liable to offer opportunities for evaluation and reflection when it comes to current endeavors and the progress being made.
Conversely, while the temptation to rush to judgment or charging ahead with the completion of a project may feel overwhelming, setting a measured pace and exhibiting patience is likely the better approach.
February – Modern Witch Tarot Deck by Lisa Sterle, published by Sterling Ethos, an imprint of Sterling Publishing Co., Inc.
Card: Major arcana, The Empress (III)
The second month is likely to place more of an emphasis on being tuned into what is going on emotionally, and allowing that to help guide one towards self-care and self-love. There may also a focus on family and those that are caring and supportive.
In contrast, taking on too much and not setting aside time and space for the self can result in exhaustion and even cause creative blocks.
March – Joie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Card: Five of Wands
In March, there is liable to be an underlying energy of competition and conflict when it comes moving forward with ideas and plans. Using these elements to learn, grow, and expand understanding are likely to be key in striking a balanced and productive approach.
Contrarily, be mindful of those who resort to less savory tactics to advance an agenda. It would be wise to implement steps that will curtail and even prevent such actions from driving controversy or dominating processes.
April – Curious Travels Tarot Deck by Amelia Rozear, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.
Card: Ace of Pentacles
The fourth month of the year is apt to be focused on material resources, as well as opportunities as they relate to wealth. There is likely to be the potential for implementing new ideas that if properly nurtured, can yield excellent outcomes.
In contrast, there may be fewer opportunities, and situations that arise are likely to require serious innovative thinking in order to find ways to do more with less–especially when it comes to finance and resources.
May – Le Tarot de Marseille-Waite by Emmanuelle Iger, art by Alice Laverty, published by Editions Trajectoire.
Card: Valet Des Epees (Page of Swords)
This month may offer offer up new ideas and ways of thinking, especially as it might apply to problem solving. There may also be new chances for learning, as well as energy that supports creative endeavors and projects.
Conversely, withholding an opinion or not speaking out, particularly as it applies to the truth, could have the potential of depriving others of critical information.
June – Blooming Cat Tarot by Jen Brown, published by Cosmic Eye, LLC.
Card: Five of Cups
The sixth month holds the potential for disappointments, regret, and even grief. While there may be a tendency towards being completely immersed in what has been lost, there are also liable to be plenty of reminders of what yet exists and requires attention and tending.
In contrast, being able to accept recent losses or failures, and forgiving oneself and others, will allow for healing and moving forward in way that may be less encumbered than in the past.
July – The Wild Unknown Pocket Tarot by Kim Krans, published by Harper One, and imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.
Card: Major arcana, Justice (VIII)
July is apt to bring a time of choices and decisions, some that may carry a bit more gravity than expected. There is also likely to be an element of truth-seeking and the implications of how decisions will impact oneself, as well as others.
Conversely, refusal to accept accountability for past missteps or poor choices have the potential to come back to haunt. Making a point of being transparent, accepting responsibility, and making amends are liable to be key.
In the new year, resolve to support Pagan media!
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August – Golden Black Cat Tarot by Helena de Almeida, published by AGM-Urania/Konigsfurt-Urania Verlag GmbH.
Card: Four of Pentacles
The eighth month has the potential to provide opportunities for being in control and extricating oneself from chaotic and out of control situations. This may be especially true as it pertains to finance and resources.
Contrarily, allowing darker instincts and predilections to take over can set the stage for misery and unhappiness. Manipulating others for one’s own advantage and profit is unlikely to yield desired results.
September – Tarot Mucha, artwork by Guilia F. Massaglia, text by Lunaea Weatherstone, published by Lo Scarabeo.
Card: Major arcana, Temperance (XIV)
The month of the Autumnal Equinox may usher in some much needed balance and offer junctures for being in harmony with, and reconnecting with Divine energies. There may also be an underlying aspect that compels one to be the embodiment of moderation and seeking to make sure all viewpoints and voices are considered.
Conversely, excesses have the potential to spiral wildly out of control and create imbalances that may be hard to rectify. Re-evaluating internal issues and focusing on healing past damage are likely to be key in mastering a balance point.
October – Buffy The Vampire Slayer Tarot Deck and Guidebook written by Casey Gilly, illustrated by Karl James Mountford, and published by Insight Editions.
Card: Four of Scythes
The tenth month of the year is likely to include much needed breaks from the stresses and trials of daily life. There is liable to be a focus on recovery and recuperation that may manifest in a variety of ways.
In contrast, attempting to outrun issues and problems rather than deal with them is more likely to end up being a prescription for exhaustion, and could cause severe burnout. Feeling stuck and unable to more forward may also be a factor and result in feeling frustrated.
November – Dark Side of Tarot, artwork by Corrado Roi and Pamela Coleman Smith, text by Sasha Graham, published by Lo Scarabeo.
Card: Two of Pentacles
The eleventh month is liable to bring expansion and renewed choices. While there may be dividends being offered for past performance, choosing how to apply them is likely to be important. Making sure all of the facts are in hand and other various factors are considered before deciding is likely to be key.
Conversely, being overcommitted and off balance could lead to poor decisions. Assumptions made without data or solid research to back them up have the potential to undermine choices. Question everything before taking action.
December – Enchanted Forest Felines Tarot by Jen Sankey, Illustrated by Iva Dukić, published by Llewellyn Publications.
Card: Major arcana, The Lovers (VI)
The last month of the calendar year there is an emphasis on honesty, particularly as it applies to how communication is handled in relationships. Trust can only be established through being honest. There may also be some energy directed at making sure values are aligned and reflected in actions and choices.
In contrast, there is the potential for feeling out of sync with oneself, as well as the relationships held with others. Secrets and truths that have either been withheld or presented in a fashion that makes them appear other than what they are likely to revealed.
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