In the Cards

The magic that I do has the same grit-teeth determination as any other chore. I need to wash the dishes. I need to take out the trash. I need to light a candle and tell Hermes that I am afraid. I need to tell the Puck I love him. But the baby is coming in a month and a half.

Repeating Justice

I don’t know the likelihood that a specific tarot card would show up in five readings that I gave myself from different decks. I’d guess that the answer is “slim.” How do I explain it, then, when the same card appears for me in a dozen readings, from a dozen different hands?

Pagan Community Notes: Week of August 22, 2024

In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Everglades Moon Local Council responds to a Florida proposal to develop state parks, Southern California hosts divination events with Orion Foxwood and Morgana Raventree, plus upcoming events and more.