Columna: La noche más larga y más oscura
Jaime Gironés, TWH’s correspondent in Mexico City, writes about coming through the long night of 2020.
The Wild Hunt (
Jaime Gironés, TWH’s correspondent in Mexico City, writes about coming through the long night of 2020.
In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, Buckland Museum offers memberships, the sites of Newgrange and Stonehenge will stream the winter solstice sunrise live, Hughes ritual, and more news.
Our annual guide to some Pagan and Pagan-inspired gift suggestions from the TWH team is a little different this year. We invite you to share your favorite sites.
Happy Solstice (summer in the northern hemisphere, winter in the southern hemisphere) from our crew here at the Wild Hunt!
Guest columnist Sheri Barker shares her approach to candle magic for the winter solstice.