Letters to the Editor: Paganism’s Antisemitic Problem
Karen Dales, a Jewish Gardnerian High Priestess and Witch conducts some interviews and shares a sobering message about the prevalence of antisemitism in Paganism.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/toronto)
Karen Dales, a Jewish Gardnerian High Priestess and Witch conducts some interviews and shares a sobering message about the prevalence of antisemitism in Paganism.
A Christian pastor and his “men” promoted religious aggression with a megaphone at the Hamilton Pagan Pride Day. Our guest correspondent Yvonne Aburrow witnessed the events.
Karl Seigfried surveys five heavy metal bands with Pagan themes in their music, including Häxan, Ealdor Bealu, and SpellBook.
Pagan Perspectives
Guest columnist Karen Dales attended the Parliament of World Religions and shares her view from the Pagan Meet and Greet Booth. * * *
The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love, was the theme of the Parliament of World’s Religions (PWR), held in Toronto, Canada from November 1st – 7th, 2018. This theme thread its way through the Pagan community doubly so. Its eye found in the Meet and Greet Space, given to the Pagans by the PWR after local High Priestess and Toronto Steering Committee Member, Catherine Starr, fought tooth and nail to secure the Pagans four spaces: a Pagan Faith Booth; a Pagan Faith space, which was for morning meditations and evening rituals, facilitated by many Pagans and Pagan organisations; the Pagan Family Festival Booth, and the Pagan Meet and Greet Space. The Pagan Meet and Greet Space could not have been better placed, as an estimated ten thousand people at the PWR had to walk past the very distinct chalkboard declaring the space and listing daily Pagan events.
TORONTO — From Nov. 1 through Nov. 7, the Parliament of the World’s Religions took place in Toronto, Ontario. Organizers estimated that 10,000 people from 80 countries would attend the event in Canada. The Parliament may be the largest interfaith event in the world.