Pagan Community Notes: Week of June 13, 2024

In this week’s Pagan Community Notes, well-known author, Mortellus, shares an experience about how a simple question became an opportunity to attack them in multiple ways and in multiple rounds. Also this week; research request on the Satanic Panic, events and more.

Pagan Community Notes: Fake Selena Fox profile, Witch Way Magazine awards, Dawtas of the Moon conference and more

TWH – It was reported April 23 that an unknown user has created a fake Facebook account using Selena Fox’s name. Several users alerted the real Fox immediately after being contacted by the owner of the fake account. Some users reported being contacted by the fake Selena Fox via Facebook messenger. Fox immediately changed her profile photo so others would know it was her, and announced publicly: “I have had several reports of someone who is claiming to be me doing some grant scam as well as making rude comments that are not my way. If you have encountered this person, please report these posts right away to Facebook. I have already done this, but need others to help so that Facebook can stop this person and take additional action so others are not hacked and not scammed.”

Pagan Community Notes: Hugh Hampton, Mexico City, Dan Halloran, and more

TWH – Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship lost one of its long times members: Hugh Hampton (1956-2017). Hampton was best known as ADF’s office manager, and had been serving in that position since 2003. Due to that work, he was known, even if only by name, to a good portion of the Druid community nationwide. According to Archdruid Jean ‘Drum’ Pagano, Hampton was “tireless,” “served with distinction,” and “could be found online seven days a week and at many different times of the day and night.” Hampton reportedly received a number of ADF service awards.