June Solstice Blessings from The Wild Hunt
June solstice blessing from The Wild Hunt! Blessed Litha, Blessed Midsummer, Blessed Yule, and Happy 23.44° North Latitude!
The Wild Hunt (
June solstice blessing from The Wild Hunt! Blessed Litha, Blessed Midsummer, Blessed Yule, and Happy 23.44° North Latitude!
We follow up on yesterday’s story. Last week, English Heritage projected images of the Queen onto some of the stones at Stonehenge. Pagans in the U.K. and others shared their opinions on the spectacle.
In this week’s Pagan Community Pagans many were surprised and at times appalled by the Queen’s image on Stonehenge, Wicked Spirits fundraiser, The Venice Biennial of Art, Announcements, and more news.
The most recent update on the A303 tunnel, and the new grassland surrounding Stonehenge acquired by the National Trust.
New scholarship on Stonehenge suggests that it may also have served as a time-keeping device.