The Mighty Thor and the Failure of Masculinity
There are plenty of options for pushing back on this culture of weak man-children using anger to puff themselves up. One of them is to turn to myths of mighty Thor.
The Wild Hunt (
The more of Romero’s films that I watched – and especially the more of his novel that I read – the more I also found a theology bubbling up through the blood that aligns with my own theology of Ásatrú, a modern religion that revives, reconstructs, and reimagines the ancient polytheism of Northern Europe.
A new exhibition at Denmark’s National Museum uses the figure of the völva, a female oracle and sorcerer, to explore how pre-Christian Scandinavians thought of time, religion, and destiny.
Sköll had caught Sunna; Fvni Lusa had begun his meal; Apep’s gaze had overwhelmed mighty Ra. In town, the church bells tolled, sounding that it was two o’clock or the end of the world. My father complained that he couldn’t see the corona through his eclipse glasses, and I told him they weren’t useful anymore.
Sprocket Wagner reviews “Vikings: Warriors of the North Sea,” on exhibit at Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Science Museum until September 4th.