Column: the 15 Most Influential Pagans in Mexico

Pagan Perspectives

A few days ago, on his Patheos Pagan blog Raise the Horns, Jason Mankey published a list of the 25 people he considers as the most influential living Pagans, inspired by a 2004 post from The Wild Hunt. Mankey has said these lists do not serve any real purpose and are just for fun, but while these lists could never be final or one hundred percent objective, as they depend on the curator’s bias and experiences, they help readers gain an idea of who’s who in contemporary Paganism and the work they do. Mankey mentioned the criteria he used and acknowledged his limitations as an author when putting up the list together, including that the list is mainly made of Pagans from the United States and the United Kingdom. He suggested his readers contribute to the list, whether by directly commenting on his post, or indirectly anywhere on the internet. This could be a great start to a global conversation Pagans could have as an international community, sharing our thoughts about who we think has influenced Pagan society.

Columna: los 15 paganos más influyentes en México

Pagan Perspectives

Hace unos días Jason Mankey publicó en su canal Raise the Horns de Patheos Pagan una lista de 25 personas que considera como los paganos vivos más influyentes, inspirado por una publicación de The Wild Hunt del 2004. Mankey dijo que estas listas no sirven para un propósito real y que son por diversión. Sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo. Para ser honesto, hay algunos nombres de su lista de los que no sabia antes de leerla. Aunque estas listas nunca podrían ser definitivas o cien por ciento objetivas, ya que dependen de la inclinación y experiencias del curador, creo que ayudan a los lectores a tener una idea de quién es quién y de su trabajo.

Pagan Community Notes: Hugh Hampton, Mexico City, Dan Halloran, and more

TWH – Ar nDraiocht Fein: A Druid Fellowship lost one of its long times members: Hugh Hampton (1956-2017). Hampton was best known as ADF’s office manager, and had been serving in that position since 2003. Due to that work, he was known, even if only by name, to a good portion of the Druid community nationwide. According to Archdruid Jean ‘Drum’ Pagano, Hampton was “tireless,” “served with distinction,” and “could be found online seven days a week and at many different times of the day and night.” Hampton reportedly received a number of ADF service awards.