Column: Culling Abundance
Clio Ajana celebrates Kronia with a meditation on culling the unnecessary that we might appreciate the core experience of life.
The Wild Hunt (
Clio Ajana celebrates Kronia with a meditation on culling the unnecessary that we might appreciate the core experience of life.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott discovers a gaze of raccoons in his back yard.
International columnist Lyonel Perabo considers legacy, identity, and language as he prepares to learn German.
In the United States, our Independence Day on July fourth is a time to enjoy parades, fireworks, and picnics with family in celebration as we create new memories to enjoy when the days are not so long, nor so warm. Summer solstice has marked the height of energy and the start of the dark half of the year. Energy spills forth in the Northern Hemisphere, urging on our frenetic pace with children and loved ones on vacation, at outdoor festivals, and grilling in the backyard. We can still enjoy the last wisp of light past nine at night and greet the dawn at five in the morning. Summer fun is pure freedom.
I. If determined enough, the dead can assert themselves to appear nearly as present as the living. And if one who is noticing and interacting with them does not know they are dead, and/or they are too young to comprehend what dead even is, the distinction between dead and living becomes rather confusing if not at times completely irrelevant. This was my experience, anyway. What I believe to be my earliest memory, for example, seems quite average on its surface.