Editorial: Trump ushers in a dark age for the environment
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott reviews the Trump administration’s first week of energy policy and the effects it is likely to have on the environment. Spoiler: it’s bad!
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/tag/environmentalism)
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott reviews the Trump administration’s first week of energy policy and the effects it is likely to have on the environment. Spoiler: it’s bad!
As in the Ziggy Stardust song from more than a half-century ago, we’re simultaneously surrounded by evidence of catastrophic climate change and absolutely unwilling to make the necessary changes to mitigate it.
The practice of leaving clooties at sacred sites has generated considerable debate amongst Pagans after a site in Scotland was recently cleared of all the items left at the site.
August 22nd was 2020’s Earth Overshoot Day, the day when, according to the Global Footprint Network, humanity began using more of Earth’s resources than could be renewed within the year. TWH covers the 2020 report and critiques of the concept.
Guest columnist Yvonne Aburrow comments on eco-fascist responses to the COVID-19 outbreak and the need for Pagans to resist the temptation to blame “humanity” for the environmental problems caused by capitalist industry.