Column: Godspouses, in conversation – part two
In part two of a series, TWH contributors Bat Collazo and Luke Babb discuss the concept of the “godspouse,” a Pagan whose practice involves romantic or erotic love for a deity.
The Wild Hunt (
In part two of a series, TWH contributors Bat Collazo and Luke Babb discuss the concept of the “godspouse,” a Pagan whose practice involves romantic or erotic love for a deity.
Luke Babb and Bat Collazo collaborate on a two-part series of conversation and context surrounding “the godspouse,” Pagans whose practice includes romantic or erotic love toward a deity.
Guest columnist Bat Collazo explores the connections between dreams, disability, and the divine in this column about zir experiences with type one narcolepsy.
Luke Babb continues their series about reckoning with the Christian influences of modern Paganism. In this column, they explore one of the most pernicious influences: the culture of American racism, which is entwined with American Christianity and spread into American Paganism.