Pagan Leaders share insights about International Women’s Day 2024
Happy International Women’s Day! We share some reactions for Pagan leaders about the world-wide event happening today.
The Wild Hunt (
Happy International Women’s Day! We share some reactions for Pagan leaders about the world-wide event happening today.
According to a recent Pew Research study, 28% of the U.S. adult population identifies as having no religious affiliation. This surpasses both Catholics and evangelical Protestants, making it a larger demographic group in the United States. Interestingly, individuals in this category appear to share some common ideas with Pagans.
Legislation targeting The Satanic Temple by banning Satanic memorials, statues, altars, and displays fails after initial committee approval. However, the legislation has inspired a a similar bill in Mississippi with even a stronger Christian-centric language.
What does Ásatrú theology have to tell us about end-of-life issues? How does it help us to understand our experiences as we care for those with growing cognitive issues and as we develop those issues ourselves?
Karen Dales, a Jewish Gardnerian High Priestess and Witch conducts some interviews and shares a sobering message about the prevalence of antisemitism in Paganism.