Mourning Granny Weatherwax

There are any number of quotes from Terry Pratchett’s books that moved me and shaped the way I thought of the world. But the one I always come back to, the one that shaped my magical practice – that was Granny Weatherwax.

Giving Thanks for the Caregivers

Like an obstetrician caring for a pregnant woman, there are always two clients in caregiving: the actual loved one who is ill and the caregiver. We are not robots. One of the hardest lessons to learn during the time I cared for my mother was to take care of myself by learning how to say “no” and when to say “yes”.

Samhain Blessings

We are grateful to you, our readers, who shared ancestor altars and bovedas this year. TWH wishes its northern hemisphere readers a blessed Samhaintide and a merry Beltaine in the southern hemisphere.

The Ghosts of Home

My father began asking me to go home sometime in August. He started with subtle hints – the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, random old music, and snapshots of shared memories. But I should mention that no embodied being in my home drinks coffee, and my dad left this realm 16 years ago.