Polysporia – a dish that dedicates every grain to the gods

“Made up of a mix of all the grains, legumes, and edible seeds grown in any given area,” writes Siobhan Ball, “polysporia belongs to that most fundamental class of agricultural ritual: the kind that gets down to the bare bones of the relationship between man and gods, expressing plainly what we want and what we’re willing to give in exchange.”

Pagan Community Notes: Week of November 8, 2024

In this week’s Pagan Community Notes: Awards at Hekate’s Sickle Festival, new elevations, Cherry Hill Seminary responds to the Nashville bombing attempt, Correllian-Nativist leaders release a statement on the presidential election and more news/

Putting Down Roots, Digging a Grave, Saying Goodbye

One day this August I picked up my phone and called Jens-Roger. “You know I told you the other week that I and my family were moving out?” “Yes, I remember.” “Well, I was thinking that before we leave for good, we should bury our daughter’s placenta. And we all really enjoy your place. Could we find a spot somewhere there?”