Exalting the Strange
This is the perfect time to acquaint ourselves with the spirit of Lobaria pulmonaria, because it offers a perspective that is refreshingly different – an antidote for this era or perhaps simply a balm to soothe.
The Wild Hunt (
This is the perfect time to acquaint ourselves with the spirit of Lobaria pulmonaria, because it offers a perspective that is refreshingly different – an antidote for this era or perhaps simply a balm to soothe.
A newly-discovered “unique” and enigmatic figure may open a new chapter in understanding the the human history of the Italian Peninsula.
Archeologists in Sweden announce a new find of petroglyphs in the Bohuslän countryside near Tanum.
Research published last week reports that species loss may be more alarming than previously thought.
SianLuc Heart surveys the different forms of personal altars found in a variety of religious traditions, with a focus on ancient paganisms.