Discovery of Saxon sword sheds new light on British population
Our UK correspondent Liz Williams reports on findings suggesting that individuals buried at Sutton Hoo and similar sites may have been soldiers who served in the Byzantine army
The Wild Hunt (
Our UK correspondent Liz Williams reports on findings suggesting that individuals buried at Sutton Hoo and similar sites may have been soldiers who served in the Byzantine army
New research on the origins of Stonehenge suggests that building the monument may have had political as well as religious motivations for unifying the people of the region.
New research shows that mindfulness—a common and central meditation practice in many Pagan spiritual paths—not only helps manage pain, but also engages distinct brain mechanisms beyond the placebo effect.
New research reveals that visualizing change and focusing on future possibilities can boost hope and help us cope with uncertainty. Like magickal visualization, by using powerful images like children and tree saplings, we can tap into hope as an adaptive emotion, sustaining us through challenges by lifting our mood and even strengthening our resilience.
“Nexion is wrath,” the Eddas, and Michael Jordan: The second part of Lyonel Perabo’s conversation with Joshua Rood.