Opinion: Sigurd, the Dragon, and Our World Today
Karl Seigfried examines the myths of the Old Norse Volsung cycle and considers what meanings they might have for the modern world.
The Wild Hunt (
Karl Seigfried examines the myths of the Old Norse Volsung cycle and considers what meanings they might have for the modern world.
Storm Faerywolf examines the QAnon movement – and how it resembles far too closely the “Satanic Panic” movement of the 1980s and 90s.
In a Spotlight on Tradition column, Bart Everson introduces TWH’s readers to the humanistic tradition of Gaianism, based on the Gaia Theory made famous by Lovelock, Margulis, and Oberon Zell.
Jaime Gironés comments on an incident of a white American Christian preacher disturbing worship at a Santa Muerte shrine in Mexico City.
Jaime Gironés comenta sobre un incidente en el que un predicador cristiano estadounidense blanco perturbó el culto en un santuario de la Santa Muerte en la Ciudad de México.