Editorial: SCOTUS conjures conservative rulings out of thin air
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott reviews this season’s U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
The Wild Hunt (https://wildhunt.org/category/perspectives/editorial/page/4)
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott reviews this season’s U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Editor-in-chief, Manny Moreno warns the increasing trend by Evangelicals to demonize alternative beliefs and practices that has the potential to fuel a reprisal of the Satanic Panic of the 80s.
Editor-in-chief Manny Moreno shines a light on recent rhetoric about “spiritual warfare” within segments of conservative religious communities that have begun targeting occult practices and Paganism, including referring to Pagans as Satanic agents and assassins.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott looks at recent transgender coverage in TWH to celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility.
Weekend Editor Eric O. Scott examines the current assault on transgender rights and calls for the Pagan community to show support to our queer siblings.