Arts & Culture
Crear un Ritual de Música
Alan D.D. nos guia a través de un playlist creada con fines mágicos, con música de Lindsey Stirling, Green Lads, and The Sidh.
The Wild Hunt (
Alan D.D. nos guia a través de un playlist creada con fines mágicos, con música de Lindsey Stirling, Green Lads, and The Sidh.
Alan D.D. walks readers through a playlist created for magical purposes, featuring music from Lindsey Stirling, Green Lads, and The Sidh.
Although I never felt confused about my identity as a multicultural Witch, I started to wonder if the language I used would make a difference. I didn’t think the spirits and energies I worked with would care about it, but I do. Language is part of who I am, what I say, the feelings I experience, and there are words that are not completely translated from one to the other.
Aunque nunca me sentí confundido acerca de mi identidad como brujo multicultural, comencé a preguntarme si el lenguaje que usaba marcaría la diferencia. No pensé que a los espíritus y energías con los que trabajo les importara, pero a mí sí. El lenguaje es parte de lo que soy, de lo que digo, de los sentimientos que experimento, y hay palabras que no se traducen completamente de uno a otro.
June is usually referred to as “Pride Month.” However, this June is different: It’s Pride Month as always, but also “National Immigrant Heritage Month.”