A look ahead to 2023 with the tarot

Last year TWH asked our resident tarot expert and news editor, Star Bustamonte, to provide a spiritual look ahead and she took up the challenge. Bustamonte does our Tarot of the Week feature in Pagan Community Notes. So, again for 2023 here is a 12-month spiritual perspective for the year ahead that might provide some helpful signposts for guidance as we move into and through the new year.

A different deck was chosen for each month, with one card being selected to provide an overview or basic theme for that month, similar to our Tarot of the Week but more broadly applied.

JanuaryAquarian Tarot by David Palladini, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Major arcana, Justice (XI)

The beginning month of the year is liable to offer opportunities for balance, accountability, and a full comprehension of one’s place and contributions in relation to the larger world around them.

Conversely, the potential for imbalance may be observed in a refusal to abide by rules and laws, and poor decisions that result in unfavorable outcomes–particularly when it applies to legal matters.

FebruaryAfro-Brazilian Tarot by Alice Santana, artwork by Giuseppe Palumbo, published by Lo Scarabeo

Card: Major arcana, The Lovers (VI) Oxóssi, Orixá of hunting

The second month of the year is likely to have a focus on providing sustenance–be it food, love, or the ideas and the actions they spur that feed the soul.

In contrast, the failure to act and fully consider what provisions might be needed, or to ignore spiritual and intellectual needs can result in an empty cupboard both physically and/or metaphorically.

MarchJoie de Vivre Tarot by Paulina Cassidy, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Six (6) of Swords

The month of the Vernal Equinox may offer the potential for heading into smoother sailing, so to speak. Internal discoveries and awakenings may herald transitions that provide greater balance and even joy.

Conversely, a refusal to let go of the past or a continued focus on past traumas in ways that are not productive is likely to serve as a vehicle for stagnation, isolation, and even mental imbalance.

AprilThe Herbcrafter’s Tarot artwork by Joanna Powell Colbert, written by Latisha Guthrie, published U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Major arcana, 12. The Hanged One, Burdock, Arctium lappa

While the fourth month may offer distinct challenges, the most productive approach is likely to be in viewing difficult situations as opportunities for growth and an expansion of one’s horizons. It is also likely to be important to recognize that achieving a deep and abiding change does not happen overnight and requires protracted attention and effort.

Contrarily, the refusal to invest in practices and ideologies that could pave the way forward for major shifts not only can result in stasis but also shortchanges the potential of future benefits in ways that may not be obvious.

MaySoul Cats Tarot by Leeza Robertson, art by Adam Oehlers, published by Llewellyn Publications.

Card: King of Cups

The fifth month is likely to offer opportunities for not only finding a comfortable flow in daily practices–both professional and personal–but also ways to enjoy the ride. And the less attention and energy spent worrying about the hows and whys of matters, the greater the ease with which things flow.

Conversely, the more the focus is shifted to worry, doubt, and fears, the greater the potential to get sucked into a maelstrom of undesired experiences and getting blown off course.

JuneCrow Tarot by MJ Cullinane, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Seven (7) of Cups

This month which marks the end of the first half of the calendar year is liable to be so full of choices and options that it can seem overwhelming. Wisdom would dictate evaluating options carefully before making decisions.

The potential exists to try to fill up time and space in order to avoid making necessary choices. While this tactic might offer deferment up to a point, eventually decisions must be made and now may offer less advantageous prospects.


We interrupt this tarot spread briefly to remind you that The Wild Hunt is community supported. We need your help at the end of this year and into the new one. Your support brings news coverage of our community and commentary of news from Pagan perspectives.


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JulyThe New Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene, with illustrations by Giovanni Caselli, published by St. Martin’s Press

Card: Major arcana, The Lovers

Wise and timely consideration is likely to play a key role when it comes to making choices this month. This may especially be true when it comes to relationships, or in striking a balance between work and pleasure.

Conversely, being in a rush to decide or choose, has the potential to have many farther-reaching consequences than previously considered.


AugustThe Divine Canine Tarot by Zack Loup

Card: Four (4) of Coins

August is liable to hold focus on taking stock of standings and maintaining a balance, especially as it applies to finances and security. While the overall outlook is likely to be solid and grounded in stability, but also keeping an eye on the future and conserving resources.

In contrast, obsessing over finances and personal safety has the potential to lead to isolation and unhappiness. Attempting to pursue monetary gains with no regard for others could result in major losses.

SeptemberTarot Mucha by Lunaea Weatherstone (English text) and Massimiliano Filadoro (other text), artwork by Giulia Massaglia and Barbara Nosenzo published by Lo Scarabeo

Card: Ace of Swords

The ninth month is likely to emphasize a shift away from seeking material wealth and notoriety, and have more of a focus on truth and sustainability. Discernment and applying critical thinking rooted in factual information are the keys to successfully advancing plans and projects.

Conversely, ignoring self-evident truths and pertinent facts in the pursuit of personal and professional gains are liable to backfire and produce the opposite of what is desired.

OctoberGhosts & Spirits Tarot by Lisa Hunt, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Page of Cups

October may offer opportunities for new relationships and personal healing but discernment will be required. The energy of the month is likely to be unsettled and include risks that may not be easily seen at first glance.

Conversely, the elements of trickery and deceit are liable to be abundant. What is presented when it comes to gifts and new relationships expect strings attached, and even straight-up untruths.

NovemberTarot of Mystical Moments by Catrin Welz-Stein, published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

Card: Eight (8) of Cups

This month has the potential to amplify feelings of sadness and disappointment. There is also likely to be a focus on endings that are less than satisfactory, letting go, and exploration of how to move forward.

In contrast, accepting the challenges of the way forward, and opting to not hold on to the past is the key to success if indecision can be sequestered and held at bay.

DecemberThe Dreamkeepers Tarot by Liz Huston,  published by U.S. Games Systems, Inc

Card: Five (5) of Wands

The last month of the year is liable to be peppered with conflicts and disagreements, disruptions, delays, and hassles. Fortunately, none of the issues are insurmountable and can likely be resolved with careful management and attention paid to details.

Awareness is the probable key to preventing conflict by addressing issues before they blossom into larger problems. Recognizing that adversity and opposition are almost always opportunities for growth and expansion is equally important.

We wish everyone much peace and many blessings in the year ahead.

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