TWH – Tomorrow is Krampusnacht! It is a traditional European celebration associated with the figure of Krampus, a creature that is said to accompany Saint Nicholas during the Christmas season. Each year events are held across Europe, the U.K., and the U.S., featuring participants who don costumes that bear the likeness of a dark satyr, complete with shaggy fur, hooves, and a wickedly grinning or snarling face crowned with horns. These living representations of Krampus often brandish bundles of switches to swat at observers with and carry baskets or sacks for collecting and holding miscreants.
In Central European folklore, Krampus is depicted as a horned, anthropomorphic figure with a charmingly demonic appearance. While Saint Nicholas is known for rewarding well-behaved children with gifts and treats, Krampus is believed to punish naughty children. It is said that Krampus carries chains and a bundle of birch branches to swat or whip disobedient children. In some traditions, he is also portrayed carrying a sack or basket to take away particularly youngsters who have misbehaved (and even news services, we hear).
During Krampusnacht, revelers may participate in parades or events where individuals dress up as Krampus to frighten and entertain the crowds. It’s a blend of the dark and whimsical aspects of folklore, adding a unique and somewhat spooky element to the holiday season.
The name “Krampusnacht” translates to “Krampus Night” in English and is accompanied by Krampus runs or Krampuslauf. This event typically takes place on the night of December 5th, the eve of the feast of Saint Nicholas for Spaß mit Krampus (fun with Krampus).
The Wild Hunt published the article Krampus Spaß in 2018 that looked at the origins and various depictions, and even misconceptions surrounding Krampus:
“The specific origins of Krampus aren’t clear. In some accounts the Krampus is depicted as pre-dating Christianity and being a part of pre-Germanic Paganism, going so far as to claim the Krampus grew out of Norse mythology as the son of the Goddess Hel. There is no source material to confirm any connection to Norse mythology at all. The folklore on the Krampus varies widely depending on which country, what time period, and which author is sourced—many depictions have St Nicholas and Krampus working together as a team.”
However, not all celebrate only on the night of December 5. Some events were this weekend and even a couple of weeks prior. It seems many are eager for some time with Krampus!
New Orleans had festivities this weekend…
We located a video from Eichhorn…
Krampus has a friend, Perchta, who joined in Burgenland.
…. and another from Bolzano in Italy…
Krampus also showed up in Whitby, UK…
and even in Richmond, Virginia…
Cherry Hill Seminary is inviting the community to join their Awards Ceremony on Sunday December 17 at 3 PM. For those unfamiliar, Cherry Hill Seminary is a non-profit educational institution that focuses on providing education and training in various aspects of pagan and nature-based spiritualities. It offers degree and certificate programs in subjects such as Pagan ministry, leadership, counseling, and other related fields.
Cherry Hill Seminary was founded in 1997 and has been a pioneer in offering higher education for individuals following pagan, Wiccan, Druidic, and other earth-centered spiritual traditions. The seminary aims to facilitate academic and practical training for those interested in serving their communities as spiritual leaders, counselors, and educators within the context of contemporary pagan and nature-based religions.
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This coming Weekend!
PHILADELPHIA, PA: The Parade of Spirits organizing team has announced the 13th Annual Parade of Spirits beginning in Liberty Lands Park on Saturday, December 9, 2023.
Liberty Lands Park, Philadelphia, PA, Saturday, December 9, 2023, 16:00/4:00 PM
PARTICIPATORY PARADE: The Parade of Spirits is a family-friendly, grassroots, community-led event rooted originally in Alpine Germanic and Pennsylvania Dutch traditions, but we encourage participants to share expressions from all cultures and backgrounds. Participants are to dress up in costumes reflecting the shady, shadowy, or downright dark-side characters from lore around the world. Please review the rules.
Costumes may be as simple as donning ghoulish makeup to appear as a spirit on the Wild Hunt to as elaborate as a full-on Krampus costume. Hand-made or hand-assembled costuming is preferred, though commercial Krampus costumes are welcomed. BRING NOISEMAKERS! This is most certainly not a quiet event!
Assemble in Liberty Lands Park (913 N. 3rd Street, Philadelphia, PA) anytime around 16:00/4:00 PM. Opening remarks begin just prior to sunset, and the Parade steps onto the streets just after sunset (16:35/4:35 PM).
Before and during the Parade, come hear the evocative harmonies of Philadelphia’s own Sing Slavic Choir!
After the Parade has finished its route, please join us in the park for entertainment provided by Squidling Brothers Circus Sideshow (also from Philadelphia!).
Between the end of the Parade and the Squidling Brothers’ performance, the Urglaawe community will present some community-created words honoring Saaga, the Germanic deity associated with history and folklore, as the Parade of Spirits is a revival of Colonial Era Pennsylvania Dutch pre-Yule celebrations.
Yuletide Sock Drive:
Donations are passed out via direct handouts to communities in need or to shelters throughout the area. Please donate new, unworn socks and/or underwear for any size or age! Donations are via direct handouts to communities in need or to shelters throughout the area.
Do you have news to share with our community?
Announcements? Elevations? Events?
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Ayu Putri Kenyo Jati of Indonesia, the teen category first-place winner of the 2014 Midwinter Art Contest [via Norse Mythology Blog]
The Norse Mythology Blog Announces Midwinter 2023 Art Contest
Ten years after the website’s first international art contest and three years since its most recent one, the return of the event features the theme “Gods and Goddesses Gather at Midwinter.”
This year’s guest judge is UK comics artist Lee Carter, best known for his intense and often terrifying work for the British weekly 2000 AD and its monthly sister publication, the Judge Dredd Megazine.
Age categories for the contest are kids (twelve and under), teens (thirteen to nineteen), and adults (twenty and up).
Past winners and runners-up have come from Australia, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, and all over the United States.
Past judges have included authors (Joanne Harris, Utkarsh Patel), academics (Helga Hlaðgerður Lúthersdóttir, Kendra Wilson), musicians (Joris van Gelre of Heidevolk), artists (Richard Elson, Erik Evensen, Steve Parkhouse, Anker Eli Petersen, Liam Sharp), and Icelandic elf whisperer Ragnhildur Jónsdóttir.
Entry deadline is 11:59 pm (Chicago time) on December 23, 2023 – Details and rules.
A. Michael Kundu contacted TWH with a request to locate paranormal researchers near Lake Stevens, Washington, USA, northwest of Seattle.
Upcoming Gatherings:
Open Coven is running the following in-person events in Western North Carolina this Fall and early winter. Open Coven is run by TWH writer Liz Watkin, a fiber artist and educator with an online learning background.
Open Coven provides resources on using fiber art for magick. This includes embroidery and fiber art kits, classes, and online workshops. For more info. visit their website:
- 12/9 – Tarot Bag Class: 2 – 5 pm at The Well (3 Louisiana Ave, W. Asheville)
- 1/13 – Altar Cloth Class: 1 – 5 pm at The Well (3 Louisiana Ave, W. Asheville)
The Troth announced this week that Frith Forge 2024, the International Conference of Inclusive Heathenry, will be hosted at the Hotel del Bosque in Costa Rica from April 13th to April 16th. Frith Forge is an international conference among inclusive Heathen organizations, kindreds, and individuals. The broader inclusive pagan communities and interfaith allies are welcome to participate as well. This year the Frith Forge will be the Asociación Ásatrú Yggdrasil.
The Troth wrote that “International Relations and Exchange was founded as a program to facilitate and support international collaboration and education by creating Frith Forge, an international conference for inclusive Heathens. We didn’t just find groups that shared our values, but groups that had already started this work overseas, with long histories of their own, struggles of their own, and problems that we could solve better together than apart. We continue to nurture these lasting alliances and true friendships. We value the chance to participate in such high-quality educational and frithful exchange. This connection helps us all weather the storms together that affect us all.”
More information regarding Latin American Heathenry is available on the Frith Forge YouTube channel:
Positively Noteworthy
Happy Birthday, Jonathan! The famous Seychelles giant tortoise marked his 191st birthday as the world’s oldest living land animal. Jonathan was born (hatched) around 1832, predating the postal stamp, telephone, and photograph inventions, Jonathan has witnessed the US Civil War, Queen Victoria’s reign, the Soviet Union’s rise and fall, and two world wars.
Residing on the island of Saint Helena since 1882, this iconic creature has gracefully navigated through historical events. Jonathan, with his enduring spirit, has experienced a 26-year companionship with another male tortoise, showcasing a unique aspect of his remarkable life.
“Jonathan is in good health and all the indications at present make us hopeful that he will reach his third century – if indeed he hasn’t done so already!” his vet Joe Hollins told the Guinness World Records.
Jonathan the tortoise is the world’s oldest living animal and is celebrating his 191st birthday 🥰️
He lives on the remote island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean and has been photographed on the island since 1882.
— Guinness World Records (@GWR) November 30, 2023
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Tarot of the Week by Star Bustamonte
Deck: Nightfall Tarot, created by Amory Abbott, published by REDFeather. Mind, Body Spirit, an imprint of Shiffer Publishing, Ltd.
Card: Major Arcana X (10) – Wheel of Fortune
The week ahead holds the potential to offer new lessons in the cycles of birth, death, and renewal. Guidance on how to move forward, and what shifts need to be made to do so safely, are likely. Change and movement are constant—whether they are recognized as such or not.
Conversely, there may be a sense of events happening beyond a person’s control. Issues of compulsive behavior like gambling and other types of risk-taking are also liable to be highlighted.
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